The company “S.Iochanas Bros Importing and Trading PC” has started its activity in 1991 after the splitting of the company “N.Giannopoulos - M.Iochanas Ltd” which was active since 1986.

The owners of the company are the brothers   Solomon, Moses and Gabriel Iochanas (until his sudden death on 23/8/2017).

The main offices, showroom and warehouses of the company are located in Athens. There is also one showroom located in Salonica in order to serve the clients of the Northern part of Greece.

The following are working for the company:

a. Three employees are working in the book - keeping department and another three are working in the warehouse.

b. Four salesmen who are paid with a percentage of the sales. The owners are having an active participation in the sales of the company also.

c. One consultant concerning the economic, accountancy and tax matters of the company.

The activity of the company is the exclusive distribution in Greece and in Cyprus of ready made garments.

We are currently supplying  about 300 retail shops in Greece and in Cyprus.

About 70% of our sales are presales collected twice a year and delivered about six months later.